A good financial plan relies on how much you save from your earning. With a saving plan, you can meet all your financial objectives. For every amount of cash you save, you can maintain your current living standards even after retirement, maintain a cash flow to cater unforeseen eventualities, complete your preferred projects, educate your children or fulfill your future dreams.
To help you achieve all these objectives, we have created flexible savings plans. You can choose a saving plan from our retirement saving plans, retirement income plans, education saving plans or non-registered saving plans. These saving plans allow you to control your financial stability before and after retirement.
Here are some of the available savings and retirement plans
Retirement income plan
This plan is for young retirees with a no retirement saving plan. Retirement income plans aim at helping you to manage your accumulated savings now that you have retired. With such a plan, you are assured of a good plan to spend your accumulated money.
Retirement savings plan
This plan ensures that you have regular income even after retirement. It assures you of a comfortable living standard on a reduced taxable income.
Education savings plan
Accumulate a tax-sheltered fund to cater for child’s education in future. With a registered education savings plan (RESP), your child’s education is secure. The fund will finance all your child’s post-secondary education expenses.
Non-Registered Savings Plan
This plans helps you accumulate funds to finance your future projects or boast your retirement income.
Tax-Free Savings Plan (TFSP)
This plan entails a tax-free savings account where any earnings accumulated in the account are not taxable. Withdrawals, dividends, interests and capital gains generated in the TFSP are not taxable.